**Terms of Sales**

The purpose of these general conditions of sale is to inform the buyer (hereinafter referred to as “the Customer”) on all the terms and conditions applying to the sale and delivery of products purchased on the site [www.]( (hereinafter also referred to as “the Site”).

They apply to any sale(s) made by WEEB INK (hereinafter also referred to as “the Seller” or “the site”) and all orders placed entail their implicit acceptance by the customer.

The Customer is asked:
- Read the general conditions of sale carefully before making any purchase on the Site.
- To save or edit a duplicate of the general conditions of sale in order to be able to refer to them.

Trade name: WEEB INK
Postal address: 1 rue du temps des secrets
SIRET number: 951 877 588 00016
RCS MELUN registration number: 951 877 588


1. **Subject of the General Terms and Conditions**
The General Terms and Conditions apply exclusively to the online sale of products on the site [](, access to which is free and open to any Internet user.

2. **Scope of application of the General Conditions of Sale**
The General Terms and Conditions exclusively govern contracts for the online sale of WEEB INK products to Customers having the status of Customers and constitute, with the online order, the contractual documents enforceable against the parties, to the exclusion of all other documents, prospectuses, catalogs or photographs. products which have only an indicative value.

The General Terms and Conditions are drawn up as well as all the contractual information mentioned on the site in French (the language of the site is among the criteria for determining the law applicable to the contract).

3. **Availability and enforceability of the General Conditions of Sale**
The General Terms and Conditions are made available to the Customer on the Seller's website where they can be directly consulted and can also be communicated to him by email upon simple request from him.

The General Conditions of Sale are enforceable against the Customer who acknowledges, by checking a box provided for this purpose, having been aware of them and having accepted them before placing the order.

Validation of the order by its confirmation constitutes acceptance by the Customer of the General Terms and Conditions in force on the day of the order, the conservation and reproduction of which are ensured by the Seller in accordance with article 1127-2 of the civil code.

4. **Modification of the General Conditions of Sale**
The Seller reserves the right to modify its General Terms and Conditions at any time.

In the event of modification of the General Conditions of Sale, the applicable General Conditions of Sale are those in force on the date of the order, a copy of which dated to date can be provided to the Customer upon request.

5. **Clauses of the General Conditions of Sale**
The nullity of a contractual clause does not result in the nullity of the General Terms and Conditions unless it is an impulsive and decisive clause having led one of the parties to conclude the sales contract.

The temporary or permanent non-application of one or more clauses of the General Conditions of Sale by the Professional Seller cannot constitute a waiver on his part of the other clauses of the General Conditions of Sale which continue to have their effects.

The site []( cannot be held responsible for material damage linked to the use of the Site.

In addition, the user of the Site undertakes to access the Site using recent equipment, not containing viruses and with an updated latest generation browser.

The host ensures the continuity of its service 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

It nevertheless reserves the right to interrupt the hosting service for the shortest possible periods, particularly for maintenance purposes, improvement of its infrastructures, failure of its infrastructures or due to traffic deemed abnormal.

The site []( and the host cannot be held responsible in the event of a malfunction of the Internet network, telephone lines or computer and telephone equipment linked in particular to the network congestion preventing access to the server.

Furthermore, the Customer is responsible for telecommunications costs during Internet access and linked to the duration of use of the Site.

In order to use the services or functions on the Site, the Customer may be required to complete prior registration.

When registering, the Customer must provide the information requested.

The information produced must be real, precise, up-to-date and exhaustive.

In the event of a change in his situation, the Customer is required to update the information produced.

Seller reserves the right to change registration requirements at any time.

The account password must be unique and it must be kept secure.

The Seller cannot be held responsible for the Customer's errors.

1. **Features**

The products presented on the Site are each subject to an optional but recommended description mentioning their essential characteristics within the meaning of article L.111-1 of the Consumer Code.

The photographs illustrating the products do not constitute a contractual document.

The Seller strives to provide information as accurate as possible.

However, non-substantial errors may occur.

The Seller cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether due to itself or to third party partners who provide it with this information, beyond the legal withdrawal period.

2. **Compliance**

The products comply with the requirements in force relating to the safety and health of people, the fairness of commercial transactions and the protection of consumers at the time of their placing on the market (article L. 411-1 of the Code of Consumption).

A sensitivity test must be carried out twenty-four (24) hours in advance on the wrist before being used on the desired part of the body.

3. **Stock availability**

The products are delivered while stocks last.

In the event of unavailability of the ordered product, the Seller immediately informs the Customer and may offer him a product of equivalent quality and price or, failing that, a voucher for the amount of the order that can be used for any next order.

In the event of disagreement by the Customer, the Seller will reimburse the sums paid within one week from the effective date of payment.

Apart from reimbursement of the price of the unavailable product, the Seller is not liable for any cancellation compensation.

1. **Sale price**

The total order price is expressed in Euros and corresponds to the price of the item(s) ordered by the Customer as indicated on the site on the date the order is placed.

The sales prices, in accordance with Article L. 112-1 of the Consumer Code, are indicated, for each of the products appearing in the electronic catalog, in euros, excluding delivery or transport costs mentioned before validation of the order and charged extra.

The total amount owed by the Customer is indicated on the order confirmation page.

The selling price of the product is that in effect on the day of the order.

The sales price of the products does not include shipping costs charged in addition to the price.

Depending on the legislation in force in the destination countries, customs duties may be applied and must be paid by the Customer for receiving and obtaining their order.

In the event of a price promotion, the Seller undertakes to apply the promotional price to any order placed during the period of advertising for the promotion.

2. **Change**

The Seller reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, while guaranteeing to the Customer the application of the price in force on the day of the order.

3. **Fees**

Additional transport, delivery or postage costs (to which must be added any other costs borne by the Seller), of which the customer was able to become aware before ordering, are set out on the order form.

When the price cannot be reasonably calculated in advance due to the nature of the good, the Seller provides the method of calculating the price and, if applicable, any additional costs of transport, delivery or postage and all other possible costs.

When additional costs cannot reasonably be calculated in advance, the Seller mentions that they may be payable, in accordance with the provisions of article L.


**Terms of Sales**

The purpose of these general conditions of sale is to inform the buyer (hereinafter referred to as “the Customer”) on all the terms and conditions applying to the sale and delivery of products purchased on the site [www.]( (hereinafter also referred to as “the Site”).

They apply to any sale(s) made by WEEB INK (hereinafter also referred to as “the Seller” or “the site”) and all orders placed entail their implicit acceptance by the customer.

The Customer is asked:
- Read the general conditions of sale carefully before making any purchase on the Site.
- To save or edit a duplicate of the general conditions of sale in order to be able to refer to them.

Trade name: WEEB INK
Postal address: 1 rue du temps des secrets
SIRET number: 951 877 588 00016
RCS MELUN registration number: 951 877 588


1. **Subject of the General Terms and Conditions**
The General Terms and Conditions apply exclusively to the online sale of products on the site [](, access to which is free and open to any Internet user.

2. **Scope of application of the General Conditions of Sale**
The General Terms and Conditions exclusively govern contracts for the online sale of WEEB INK products to Customers having the status of Customers and constitute, with the online order, the contractual documents enforceable against the parties, to the exclusion of all other documents, prospectuses, catalogs or photographs. products which have only an indicative value.

The General Terms and Conditions are drawn up as well as all the contractual information mentioned on the site in French (the language of the site is among the criteria for determining the law applicable to the contract).

3. **Availability and enforceability of the General Conditions of Sale**
The General Terms and Conditions are made available to the Customer on the Seller's website where they can be directly consulted and can also be communicated to him by email upon simple request from him.

The General Conditions of Sale are enforceable against the Customer who acknowledges, by checking a box provided for this purpose, having been aware of them and having accepted them before placing the order.

Validation of the order by its confirmation constitutes acceptance by the Customer of the General Terms and Conditions in force on the day of the order, the conservation and reproduction of which are ensured by the Seller in accordance with article 1127-2 of the civil code.

4. **Modification of the General Conditions of Sale**
The Seller reserves the right to modify its General Terms and Conditions at any time.

In the event of modification of the General Conditions of Sale, the applicable General Conditions of Sale are those in force on the date of the order, a copy of which dated to date can be provided to the Customer upon request.

5. **Clauses of the General Conditions of Sale**
The nullity of a contractual clause does not result in the nullity of the General Terms and Conditions unless it is an impulsive and decisive clause having led one of the parties to conclude the sales contract.

The temporary or permanent non-application of one or more clauses of the General Conditions of Sale by the Professional Seller cannot constitute a waiver on his part of the other clauses of the General Conditions of Sale which continue to have their effects.

The site []( cannot be held responsible for material damage linked to the use of the Site.

In addition, the user of the Site undertakes to access the Site using recent equipment, not containing viruses and with an updated latest generation browser.

The host ensures the continuity of its service 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

It nevertheless reserves the right to interrupt the hosting service for the shortest possible periods, particularly for maintenance purposes, improvement of its infrastructures, failure of its infrastructures or due to traffic deemed abnormal.

The site []( and the host cannot be held responsible in the event of a malfunction of the Internet network, telephone lines or computer and telephone equipment linked in particular to the network congestion preventing access to the server.

Furthermore, the Customer is responsible for telecommunications costs during Internet access and linked to the duration of use of the Site.

In order to use the services or functions on the Site, the Customer may be required to complete prior registration.

When registering, the Customer must provide the information requested.

The information produced must be real, precise, up-to-date and exhaustive.

In the event of a change in his situation, the Customer is required to update the information produced.

Seller reserves the right to change registration requirements at any time.

The account password must be unique and it must be kept secure.

The Seller cannot be held responsible for the Customer's errors.

1. **Features**

The products presented on the Site are each subject to an optional but recommended description mentioning their essential characteristics within the meaning of article L.111-1 of the Consumer Code.

The photographs illustrating the products do not constitute a contractual document.

The Seller strives to provide information as accurate as possible.

However, non-substantial errors may occur.

The Seller cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether due to itself or to third party partners who provide it with this information, beyond the legal withdrawal period.

2. **Compliance**

The products comply with the requirements in force relating to the safety and health of people, the fairness of commercial transactions and the protection of consumers at the time of their placing on the market (article L. 411-1 of the Code of Consumption).

A sensitivity test must be carried out twenty-four (24) hours in advance on the wrist before being used on the desired part of the body.

3. **Stock availability**

The products are delivered while stocks last.

In the event of unavailability of the ordered product, the Seller immediately informs the Customer and may offer him a product of equivalent quality and price or, failing that, a voucher for the amount of the order that can be used for any next order.

In the event of disagreement by the Customer, the Seller will reimburse the sums paid within one week from the effective date of payment.

Apart from reimbursement of the price of the unavailable product, the Seller is not liable for any cancellation compensation.

1. **Sale price**

The total order price is expressed in Euros and corresponds to the price of the item(s) ordered by the Customer as indicated on the site on the date the order is placed.

The sales prices, in accordance with Article L. 112-1 of the Consumer Code, are indicated, for each of the products appearing in the electronic catalog, in euros, excluding delivery or transport costs mentioned before validation of the order and charged extra.

The total amount owed by the Customer is indicated on the order confirmation page.

The selling price of the product is that in effect on the day of the order.

The sales price of the products does not include shipping costs charged in addition to the price.

Depending on the legislation in force in the destination countries, customs duties may be applied and must be paid by the Customer for receiving and obtaining their order.

In the event of a price promotion, the Seller undertakes to apply the promotional price to any order placed during the period of advertising for the promotion.

2. **Change**

The Seller reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, while guaranteeing to the Customer the application of the price in force on the day of the order.

3. **Fees**

Additional transport, delivery or postage costs (to which must be added any other costs borne by the Seller), of which the customer was able to become aware before ordering, are set out on the order form.

When the price cannot be reasonably calculated in advance due to the nature of the good, the Seller provides the method of calculating the price and, if applicable, any additional costs of transport, delivery or postage and all other possible costs.

When additional costs cannot reasonably be calculated in advance, the Seller mentions that they may be payable, in accordance with the provisions of article L.